1 USD to IDR

Currency Price Change
1 USD to IDR
15552.2000 0.1268%
1 Dollar = 15552.2000 Indonesian Rupiah right now. The highest value of 1 USD/IDR happened today is 15575.2500 (time: 10:42). The lowest value of today is 15527.9500 IDR (time: 04:04).
1 Dollar/Indonesian Rupiah exchange rate OPEN: 15532.5000.
Dollar is strong today. Indonesian Rupiah declined 0.1268% percent against the dollar today.
1 Indonesian Rupiah weakened 19.7000 USD against the United States Dollar

1 USD to IDR Charts

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Dollar and Indonesian Rupiah Converter [USD/IDR]

USD to IDR Conversion

Indonesian Rupiah
0.0001 US Dollar

IDR to USD Conversion

US Dollar
15552.2000 Indonesian Rupiah

Amount Price
1 USD to IDR 15552.20 Indonesian Rupiah
5 USD to IDR 77761.00 Indonesian Rupiah
9.99 USD to IDR 155366.48 Indonesian Rupiah
10 USD to IDR 155522.00 Indonesian Rupiah
19.99 USD to IDR 310888.48 Indonesian Rupiah
20 USD to IDR 311044.00 Indonesian Rupiah
25 USD to IDR 388805.00 Indonesian Rupiah
50 USD to IDR 777610.00 Indonesian Rupiah
100 USD to IDR 1555220.00 Indonesian Rupiah
200 USD to IDR 3110440.00 Indonesian Rupiah
250 USD to IDR 3888050.00 Indonesian Rupiah
300 USD to IDR 4665660.00 Indonesian Rupiah
400 USD to IDR 6220880.00 Indonesian Rupiah
500 USD to IDR 7776100.00 Indonesian Rupiah
600 USD to IDR 9331320.00 Indonesian Rupiah
700 USD to IDR 10886540.00 Indonesian Rupiah
800 USD to IDR 12441760.00 Indonesian Rupiah
900 USD to IDR 13996980.00 Indonesian Rupiah
1000 USD to IDR 15552200.00 Indonesian Rupiah