1 USD to INR

Currency Price Change
1 USD to INR
83.7240 0.0078%
1 Dollar = 83.7240 Indian Rupee right now. The highest value of 1 USD/INR happened today is 83.7240 (time: 00:04). The lowest value of today is 83.7175 INR (time: 00:00).
1 Dollar/Indian Rupee exchange rate OPEN: 83.7175.
Dollar is strong today. Indian Rupee declined 0.0078% percent against the dollar today.
1 Indian Rupee weakened 0.0065 USD against the United States Dollar

1 USD to INR Charts

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Dollar and Indian Rupee Converter [USD/INR]

USD to INR Conversion

Indian Rupee
0.0119 US Dollar

INR to USD Conversion

US Dollar
83.7240 Indian Rupee

Amount Price
1 USD to INR 83.72 Indian Rupee
5 USD to INR 418.62 Indian Rupee
9.99 USD to INR 836.40 Indian Rupee
10 USD to INR 837.24 Indian Rupee
19.99 USD to INR 1673.64 Indian Rupee
20 USD to INR 1674.48 Indian Rupee
25 USD to INR 2093.10 Indian Rupee
50 USD to INR 4186.20 Indian Rupee
100 USD to INR 8372.40 Indian Rupee
200 USD to INR 16744.80 Indian Rupee
250 USD to INR 20931.00 Indian Rupee
300 USD to INR 25117.20 Indian Rupee
400 USD to INR 33489.60 Indian Rupee
500 USD to INR 41862.00 Indian Rupee
600 USD to INR 50234.40 Indian Rupee
700 USD to INR 58606.80 Indian Rupee
800 USD to INR 66979.20 Indian Rupee
900 USD to INR 75351.60 Indian Rupee
1000 USD to INR 83724.00 Indian Rupee