1 USD to SDR

Currency Price Change
1 USD to SDR
0.7539 0.0000%
1 Dollar = 0.7539 Special Drawing Rights right now. The highest value of 1 USD/SDR happened today is 0.7539 (time: 00:00). The lowest value of today is 0.7539 SDR (time: 00:00).
1 Dollar/Special Drawing Rights exchange rate OPEN: 0.7539.
No change happened today.

1 USD to SDR Charts

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Dollar and Special Drawing Rights Converter [USD/SDR]

USD to SDR Conversion

Special Drawing Rights
1.3265 US Dollar

SDR to USD Conversion

US Dollar
0.7539 Special Drawing Rights

Amount Price
1 USD to SDR 0.75 Special Drawing Rights
5 USD to SDR 3.77 Special Drawing Rights
9.99 USD to SDR 7.53 Special Drawing Rights
10 USD to SDR 7.54 Special Drawing Rights
19.99 USD to SDR 15.07 Special Drawing Rights
20 USD to SDR 15.08 Special Drawing Rights
25 USD to SDR 18.85 Special Drawing Rights
50 USD to SDR 37.69 Special Drawing Rights
100 USD to SDR 75.39 Special Drawing Rights
200 USD to SDR 150.78 Special Drawing Rights
250 USD to SDR 188.47 Special Drawing Rights
300 USD to SDR 226.17 Special Drawing Rights
400 USD to SDR 301.55 Special Drawing Rights
500 USD to SDR 376.94 Special Drawing Rights
600 USD to SDR 452.33 Special Drawing Rights
700 USD to SDR 527.72 Special Drawing Rights
800 USD to SDR 603.11 Special Drawing Rights
900 USD to SDR 678.50 Special Drawing Rights
1000 USD to SDR 753.89 Special Drawing Rights