1 USD to KRW

Currency Price Change
1 USD to KRW
1384.7700 -0.0123%
1 Dollar = 1384.7700 South Korean Won right now. The highest value of 1 USD/KRW happened today is 1384.9400 (time: 00:00). The lowest value of today is 1384.7700 KRW (time: 00:04).
1 Dollar/South Korean Won exchange rate OPEN: 1384.9400.
Dollar is weak today. US Dollar declined -0.0123% percent against the South Korean Won today.
1 U.S. Dollar weakened -0.1700 KRW against the South Korean Won.

1 USD to KRW Charts

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Dollar and South Korean Won Converter [USD/KRW]

USD to KRW Conversion

South Korean Won
0.0007 US Dollar

KRW to USD Conversion

US Dollar
1384.7700 South Korean Won

Amount Price
1 USD to KRW 1384.77 South Korean Won
5 USD to KRW 6923.85 South Korean Won
9.99 USD to KRW 13833.85 South Korean Won
10 USD to KRW 13847.70 South Korean Won
19.99 USD to KRW 27681.55 South Korean Won
20 USD to KRW 27695.40 South Korean Won
25 USD to KRW 34619.25 South Korean Won
50 USD to KRW 69238.50 South Korean Won
100 USD to KRW 138477.00 South Korean Won
200 USD to KRW 276954.00 South Korean Won
250 USD to KRW 346192.50 South Korean Won
300 USD to KRW 415431.00 South Korean Won
400 USD to KRW 553908.00 South Korean Won
500 USD to KRW 692385.00 South Korean Won
600 USD to KRW 830862.00 South Korean Won
700 USD to KRW 969339.00 South Korean Won
800 USD to KRW 1107816.00 South Korean Won
900 USD to KRW 1246293.00 South Korean Won
1000 USD to KRW 1384770.00 South Korean Won