1 USD to ARS

Currency Price Change
1 USD to ARS
929.5429 -0.0023%
1 Dollar = 929.5429 Argentine Peso right now. The highest value of 1 USD/ARS happened today is 929.5643 (time: 00:00). The lowest value of today is 929.5429 ARS (time: 00:04).
1 Dollar/Argentine Peso exchange rate OPEN: 929.5643.
Dollar is weak today. US Dollar declined -0.0023% percent against the Argentine Peso today.
1 U.S. Dollar weakened -0.0214 ARS against the Argentine Peso.

1 USD to ARS Charts

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Dollar and Argentine Peso Converter [USD/ARS]

USD to ARS Conversion

Argentine Peso
0.0011 US Dollar

ARS to USD Conversion

US Dollar
929.5429 Argentine Peso

Amount Price
1 USD to ARS 929.54 Argentine Peso
5 USD to ARS 4647.71 Argentine Peso
9.99 USD to ARS 9286.13 Argentine Peso
10 USD to ARS 9295.43 Argentine Peso
19.99 USD to ARS 18581.56 Argentine Peso
20 USD to ARS 18590.86 Argentine Peso
25 USD to ARS 23238.57 Argentine Peso
50 USD to ARS 46477.15 Argentine Peso
100 USD to ARS 92954.29 Argentine Peso
200 USD to ARS 185908.58 Argentine Peso
250 USD to ARS 232385.73 Argentine Peso
300 USD to ARS 278862.87 Argentine Peso
400 USD to ARS 371817.16 Argentine Peso
500 USD to ARS 464771.45 Argentine Peso
600 USD to ARS 557725.74 Argentine Peso
700 USD to ARS 650680.03 Argentine Peso
800 USD to ARS 743634.32 Argentine Peso
900 USD to ARS 836588.61 Argentine Peso
1000 USD to ARS 929542.90 Argentine Peso